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The petition for freedom of assembly is open for your signature

This is the third time Ranil Wickremasinghe is leading or contributing to a blood bath. Historically, the riling families have not allowed any peacful protests to occur in Sri Lanka and that led to three pevious bloodbaths in Sri Lanka. We should not allow this situation to continue. Rise up against this state terrorism in Sri Lanka!

Follow these simple steps

Please click on the link below.

On the right hand side, click on the red button "Sign this petition".

Fill your personal details.

Then, if you wish, you can comment on why you want to support this petition.

To finalize the signature, press the red "Sign this petition" button again.

If you completed all the steps above,

Congratulations. Now you are a signatory to the petition against "Stand With The Innocent Protesters Attacked By The Sri Lankan Government"

Troops detaining protesters

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