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Any citizen of the world can support the United Nations petition!

#GoHomeGota Petition Overseas

Let's Stand United

I cannot stay silent, and do nothing… physically I am not in Sri Lanka but my heart and soul are with my people. I stand against political criminals who are robbing my country. I stand against corruption.

I want Rajapaksa regime to face justice and return the stolen money back to my people. I will not let them run away from Sri Lanka to a foreign country so they can feast on the plundered tax money of Sri Lanka. I won't let them flee and find a haven overseas.

If you feel the same way, we can do something about this. We can petition the government, and authorities in the country we live in. Requesting them to launch an investigation against Rajapaksa regime's financial activities overseas and impose individual sanctions against them. Help us get back our stolen money.

We can create political pressure overseas so these political criminals will run out of places to flee the Sri Lankan people's wrath. We can do something today to support our brothers and sisters' protest in the streets fighting for Sri Lanka.

This is what we can do from across the sea. Let's stand united and say you are not welcome here

Join an ongoing petition below or we can help you to start a petition in your country.

Reach us: info@gohomehopethisworksgotapetitionoverseas.com

Other petitions coming soon

European Union flag

European Union

Want to draft your own petition, addressing your resident country's government?

This petition template is for You! Download from below.


Contact us when you're ready. We can facilitate your petition to get more signatures under your resident country's flag in this space